We have seen a rise in conventional fishing rod float fishers migrating to using fly fishing flies. Sheading the light on this effective approach to steelhead and trout fishing has been fun. We have explained many fly fishermen and woman fly casters prefer to to use indicators. This is basically the same as steelhead float fishing. The fly fishing indicators are smaller and vary in many sizes. The set up is effective and the same as float fishing. Below is a basic rigging set up using the irideus tungsten micro swivels. These are great to have and most of us now use them all the time to avoid losing entire leaders to snags on the bottom.
Float fishing using this set up on coventional gear or below fly fishing indicator floats is very effective. Its probolly the most common way western fly fishermen and woman fly casters go about thier day these days. Some traditional fly casters frown down on indicator fishing. Maybe thats because its so easy and effective. We like to take a modern approach to fishing steelhead and want people to catch fish. We have been reaching out to many conventional fishing rod anglers and guides promoting this effective tactic. When fishing gets down to match the hatch it only makes sense to have this approach at your fingertips. All fishermen and woman should have some fly fishing flies to do this. Any fly will do but we now offer a few jig style flies that have been very effective on fly rods and also spinning and casting fishing rods.
The Irideus Gold Digger Streamer
The Irideus Merit Badge Jiggy Streamer
We have also shown drift floats fishers how to rig up our Irideus Tube Fly boxes for your steelhead and trout fishing floats. Its not just a great tube fly, conhead fly and articulated fly box its a multi tasker. We have a smaller micro size also for smaller floats. Fishermen and woman will also find 88 slit foam slots to store your hooks and some fly fishing flies.
This picture says it all about the Irideus Tube Fly fishing box flor float style fishing, its great! Both the standard and micro size make a great place to store fly fishing indicators and leaders while style providing plenty of room for a weeks worth of any style steelhead or tiny fly fishing flies. Its something that should be in all fly fishers arsel of tactical approches to our sport.
Some of the flies that are diverse to start using fly fishing flies are our minnow and worm flies. They clearly need to be in everyones box of tricks. Some drift float fishermen and woman are stuck on the egg or bead. Many fly casters say these should be banned. We say branch out be diverse explore your options. Its not only fun but very effective.
The Irideus Fat Crush Rock worm soft hackle is an amazing fly to try.
Here is a mixed bag box for any fly fisher or drft float fisher. A little bit of everything to cover your basis of match the hatch or to provoke the lateral line of picky steelhead. presured whater no problem. Throw something other than an egg at them.
Another well set up Irideus Chico Stramer and nymph fly fishing box loaded up with options.
Using Irideus fly fishing flies and boxes on your steelhead and trout fly fishing journey is down right effective.
One thing we have been suggesting to clients these days is to add a shooting head fly fishing line to your standard fly line. This will give that plastic bubble a new world. It will offer extra push and will also help in windy conditions indicator or no. We have a diverse selection od exclusive grain wts and also have fly fishing shooting heads for all single hand fly rods. Check them out.
We also have a full 2024 line up of new single hand fly fishing rods fly fishing lines. They are distance casting and beginer or pro will love them. We also have new 2024 shooting heads and running lines ready for your adventures this year. We now offer a low key grey running line to help see your shooting head or just to have lesss color on the water. They are the shadow series shooting head running lines.
We offer this design in our 8 wt standard steelhead fly fishing line also this year. Give them a whirl world!
The Irideus 2024 Shadow dimension fly fishing running fly lines 4 wt- 10 wt.
Here is the stealth 8 wt Irideus Shadow Dimension fly fishing line fit for any level fly caster. We take pride in keeping the price mid range yet compare to any line on the market and you will see you have a winner.
We wish the world float fishing and fly fishing community the very best steelhead season ever. Thank you for supporting our business. .
"Enjoy your fly fishing or float fishing journey."