Monday, May 26, 2014

Fly fishing solitude can be found on any given day on a trout stream.

There comes a time when the ringing phone, deadlines and human toils leave us drained. Mother nature is happy to re fuel any of us any time any day of the week. All you have to do is stop and pick up your fly rod. Turn the static of the world off and head to your local stream.

Looking close at the exoskeleton of a stonefly it is clear there is something bigger working while we are on the job as humans. It is also a reminder our sink tip approach to the day may be a week behind these now flying insects. Learn to love the life cycle of nature its the best way to free your mind on any given day!
Even the roads into your favorite fly fishing streams have the offering of peace on the mind. Think only of water it leads.
Letting the big trout you landed back into the hole you know like the back of your hand is a great feeling. The energy the trout passes back to you will see you through yet another week of work. Maybe a month for that matter. Now the sun is on the wane and its time to hike home. Your mind will be relaxed. You will remember the simple things. Your eyes will now be open to see mother nature in her true light. Look around, soak up each step. Be thankful to have fly fishing in your life. It is really just a tool to use to be at one with something much bigger than all of us. Tred light and take care of the resources you love. They give so much back to all of us who know them!

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